Living Water Fellowship

DSC_0109_2It was such a blessing to have our dear friend and adviser, Pastor Little Bear Wheeler, and his wife join us for two Sundays at Living Water Fellowship.  He gave an encouraging message from the story of the woman at the well and explained his journey from buckskined evangelist and homeschool pioneer to becoming a pastor of Living Water Fellowship in Bulverde, Tx.

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Little Bear also gave an inspiring talk on marriage – Mission: Seek and Find

Ernie and Julie Gilbert encouraged many a smile as they shared the story of how they met.  They also do a wonderful job with the music.


During the week, Little Bear invited all the pastors and their families to stay with them in Buena Vista for a time of refreshment and counsel.

The fall colors were vivid.  The wind cold.  The food delicious. The company encouraging. The memories precious.

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Our church has also been participating in 40 Days for Life.  It has been so encouraging to me to see the heart and passion in the young people who come.

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We serve an amazing God.  It humbles me when I look around and realize that although He is more than able, He chooses to do His work through us, through me!

I honestly had always dreamed that I would get to be a part of pastoring or filmmaking – doing something that had eternal impact, but now that it is actually happening, it has been more stretching, humbling and yet fulfilling than anything I have ever done.  God is good!




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