Praying for Nero

If you had been a Christian living in Rome during his reign, would you have been praying for Nero?

This is a good question to consider.  Nero was Emperor in Rome from the years 54 to 68.  He was fairly young at the time he became Emperor and was known for killing a lot of people- including his own mother- if they became inconvenient to him. Some historians tell us that he burned Christians as torches to light the grounds of his palace.  Part of my interest in Nero has to do with his dealings with the early church- specifically the Apostle Paul.

It is estimated that the Apostle Paul arrived in Rome for the first time around the year 60, six years after Nero became Emperor.  It is also assumed that Paul was eventually executed in Rome around the year 67.  The reason this is so intriguing to me is because of something that Paul wrote to Timothy sometime between his first arrival in Rome and his death at the hands of Nero.  It has to do with praying for Nero:

1 Timothy 2
1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,
2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,

Paul tells us to not only pray for, but to also give thanks for all who are in authority.  And while he is writing this he is in prison waiting for his first trial in Rome!  I don’t know about you, but I find it easier to complain about leaders than to pray for them, and I’m not even sitting in prison!  But recently I’ve been choosing to pray for our leaders and our nation.

If the Apostle Paul was praying for Nero while he was sitting imprisoned in Rome, surely we can pray for our President as we go about our daily lives as Americans.

Following is a video explaining some of my past experience in praying for our President.  Please watch it and then join me in choosing to pray for our leaders and our country.

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